Wednesday, February 3, 2010


昨天算是一个很神奇, 很美妙的一天吧!

怎么说能?六年前,我开始对广播产生很浓厚的兴趣。在一次学生领袖露营中,我的一个中学同学用了她的手机收听广播。当时,她用了loudspeaker把音乐播放出来 - 933正播放着周杰伦的《龙卷风》。 这首歌真的好好听喔。以这为起点,我开始很积极地收听广播。

似乎有着眯到万千听众的力量,收听广播收成了我每天都得做的一件事 - 似乎是一件不可不做的事情。



但我知道, 我深爱着广播。上完初院后,我还是有继续地收听广播。这次,我还尝试收听别的电台 - 好好玩喔!每个电台都有自己独特的一面,都有我值得学习的地方。




我会绝续努力进步的(: 真的好希望能有朝一日能成为一为称职的电台广播员。

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

C'mon, women are as wonderful (:

It has been a really long time since I last updated my blog. Like merely a virtual space, I do feel bad when I leave this blog there “to die” literally.

There are many things in life and there are many things to share. As an ordinary person, my life can get a bit mundane to talk about though my everyday is different.

In addition, just like most people living in Singapore, I’m extremely time-poor. Even when I have the time, I will rather laze around.

Yet, there are times when I wish to share with you some update about my life or what I’ve learnt or discovered.

Yesterday, during one of my lectures, we watched a documentary-like show which, directly insults women by, though somehow matter-of-factly, saying women are merely an object of sexuality in MV (Music Video).

In this age, we might have long been sensationalized with these type of MVs – MVs which seek to arouse people or “materialize” people’s fantasy. These MVs often do so by downplaying women by depicting how women are deprived of man and can’t live without men. To make things worse, these MV often depicts women shaking either their ass or boob to seduce men. These two sentences are perhaps the main gist of the show anyway.

Living in Singapore, I do feel fortunate that I’m exposed to both the eastern and western culture. Though I do not have complete understanding of both cultures, I am at least able to navigate around. There are still things from the west which I, as an Asian, feel that is absurd and there are things in the East which, I feel are not keeping up with the pace of life – or in other words, they are a bit too conservative.

With this, and zeal and optimism in life, I don’t really feel that there is a definite right or wrong for most things in life. I’m also not bothered with what people say, unless constructive criticism, so my life is so much more upbeat.

Yet, I feel that this show and the excessive use of women body in MV is indeed ludicrous. In the show, it’s mentioned that women are desperate without men and women are subservient to men or even, women serve to satisfy men only.

I think this is fatuous and untrue and the director of these MVs are perhaps personally deprived and seek to satisfy their wants through filming all these. They will then be praised about how they have successfully captured the wants of the audience, to their benefit. But, I beg to differ. Please stop polluting my clean tiny little mind!

In this age when women are emancipated already, this concept seems even more weird to me. Why must women still be depicted in this fashion?

A few good examples cited in the show include Mariah Carey, Madonna and Gwen Stefani. Madonna and Gwen Stefani have always portray the image of strong independent women, yet their MVs are nothing new to the norm in the market. Unfortunate, isn’t it?

Let’s just take a look at the before and after of Mariah Carey:

Her once-innocent appearance seemed to have been diluted by mainstream culture which is characterized by one 3-letter word which begins with S.

I still love her songs and camaraderie she builds with her fans but feel that it’s sad that people conform to social norm just to fit into this somewhat erotic culture. Perhaps I should throw away this obsolete thought of mine and just embrace this like Mariah and still continue to view tomorrow as brightly as I currently see it to be.

I don’t know. Sometimes, when you grow up, the reality or truths just begin to unfold.

But in any case, everyone grew up from a different culture and has different views and perspectives to different issue. Just take things with a pinch of salt, be more open to other’s culture while remaining at status quo if you deem your current way of living is good enough for you. This is what I feel.

Yet, always remember what your initial goal is and not be blinded with whatever that comes your way while you pursue your equilibrium in life.

Monday, November 30, 2009


不清楚有没有用脑想, 一切好像是麻木的追求。

Monday, November 9, 2009

so much in life...

Now before anything, it’s time I reflected.

After much up-and-down, I’ve decided that I should embrace positivity as part of my life. Nothing can be daunting if I choose to treat things with a lot of enthusiasm and the belief that I will succeed.

So, of lately, I have been living very happily indeed.

Yet, this kind of thinking is not completely healthy. As I read through the reading – Industrializing Creativity and Innovation – yesterday, I was reminded that I haven’t been really using my brain for its real intended purpose.

In hope of living in a utopia – a place where every single person is saintly imperfect – I have chosen to forget or ignore the many negative points of others. This is good though – life has never been any better than a life powered up with so much positivity.

However, lessons with my journ. lecturer have made think otherwise. There are many things in life that I’ve been taking granted for and with it, is the unthinking brain, which refuses to or is too indolent to question the status quo.

Am I being too contented with what I have? And if I am, according to the government, I will be one of the first few to be kick out of this fierce competition.

For now, I think I lack the analytical skill and the want to get out of my comfort zone. But, one thing is for sure. I won’t let this attitude shadow me as I pursue my passion in this age. I want both a truly thinking mind and positivity in life.

Friday, October 23, 2009


Wow! Time really flies! Town is already furnished with x'mas deco:) love it:D

YOG really rocks! <3

Live life to its fullest:)
Keep the enthusiasm going! hahah.
After seeing the 'youth' today, I realized I'm really pretty old already. Nvm, last year of teenage FTW! :D

You may want to read this:


Sunday, October 4, 2009



终于进了大学, 终于在修读自己喜欢的课程。



有时会觉的自己十分愚昧, 好无知。


可是, 庆幸的是,在心灰意冷的时候, 有雪中送炭的朋友扶持。

虽然如此,有时当自己一个人的时候, 心还是会有一点酸酸的。


但, 不管这么样,我都不想放弃。因为我知道总有成功的一天。不管一路上有多么坎坷,生活还是得过。重点是,只要活着就有希望。


Saturday, September 5, 2009

A change is gonna come

As cliche as it may sound, time really flies. I still remember not too long ago, I was bleating how slow it was to wait for A levels to end, how slow it was for results to be out, and how slow it was for the university application outcome to be out. Now, it's already into my varsity life.

All is fine now. I'm slowly fitting myself into the culture here in NTU. It is scary to find out how I've closed up to many things in college just to be consistent with my studies. Not only did it invite indolence and apathy into my life, it induced fear in me. I knew these existed in me but I always told myself it would go when I entered U. No, it didn't - My start in university invited more uncertainties and confusion in me.

But, right now, I want to share with you a piece of good news - I think I've somehow successfully liberalized myself. Initial struggles seem to receive its answers. There is nothing to fear or feel embarrassed about. Just charge forward. Remember you can always do it! (: Leave doubts and unpleasant memories behind for what what doesn't kill you makes you stronger! (: